Learn Chinese Culture @ iMandarinPod.com
iMandarinPod.com is designed to help people to improve their Chinese. We will provide at least 2 podcasts every week. In each podcast, we will introduce a topic about Chinese culture or what is happening today in China. We are teaching Chinese by introducing Chinese culture in a real circumstance; we are teaching you how to say and how to think in your daily life like a native Chinese does. We also provide private lessons or group lessons. Please visit www.iMandarinPod.com for more information. We will continue to improve and offer more services to serve different people at different levels. Stay tuned. Your reviews and feedbacks are very much appreciated! Thank you for your listening and enjoy!
新しい中国語のPodcast [子育ての合間に中国的生活 から]
最近、見つけた新しい中国語のPodcastをご紹介! 【Learn Chinese @iMandarinPod.com】 *天津で中国語を教えている先生達によるポッドキャストのようです。 *一週間に二回くらいのペースで配信。
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- フラつく。-フランス人のカノジョをつくろう。